1. General Cleaning Service :
- Kristalisasi Lantai marmer / granit
- Epoxy Lantai
- Coating Lantai Pabrik, Futsal
https://neocities.org/site_files/text_editor/index.html#- Poles Lantai & Cuci Lantai Marmer, Granit, Keramik- Terasine, Viniel
- Cuci Kaca Gedung indoor & outdoor
- Cuci Alucubond, Aluminium, Steinliss
- Cuci Vertical Blind, Vitrase
- Cuci Sofa, Sofa bed, Springbed, Partisi & Carpet
- Pembersihan Toilet dan Kamar Mandi
- Cuci Lampu Kristal
Untuk informasi dapat menghubungi kami :
Telp/Fax : 021 - 8835 4281
HP : 08158349796
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